We’re going to start this off with the idea that you haven’t heard of the Law of Attraction. Consider this an introduction to the Law of Attraction.
The Law of Attraction is a concept many thousands of years old. In fact, it can be traced back to the Babylonians, perhaps the first civilization on Earth. They said this:
“As Above, So Below. As Within, So Without.”
What that means is that as you think, so shall you be. In a nutshell, your thoughts create your life, both in the Now and in the Future. Have you ever thought of someone you haven’t talked to in years, and then they call you on the phone? That’s the Law of Attraction in action.
As Above, So Below. As Within, So Without.Some Ancient Babylon Priest
The Universe is a living entity, aware of and answerable to your thoughts and actions. This is not sorcery. It’s Quantum Physics. Quantum physics states that the Universe is shaped by what we think it looks like and acts like. 50 years ago, there were 2 schools of thought about what light was made of. One school believed that light was made of particles. The other school said that light was made of waves. When the equipment was created that could measure exactly what light was made of, they were shocked and amazed. Here’s what they found.
The Wave scientists found that light was indeed made of waves.
The Particle scientists also discovered that light was made up of particles.How could this be? Light seemed to be both particle and wave, depending upon what you believed you would find when you went to look. The Universe gave these people exactly what they expected to find. That’s the Law of Attraction.
The Thoughts you have Today will create the Reality you will have Tomorrow.Tom Tiernan, 21st Century Law of Attraction Coach
The Universe is a living entity, aware of and answerable to your thoughts and actions. This is not sorcery. It’s Quantum Physics. Quantum physics states that the Universe is shaped by what we think it looks like and acts like. 50 years ago, there were 2 schools of thought about what light was made of. One school believed that light was made of particles. The other school said that light was made of waves. When the equipment was created that could measure exactly what light was made of, they were shocked and amazed. Here’s what they found.
The Wave scientists found that light was indeed made of waves.
The Particle scientists also discovered that light was made up of particles.How could this be? Light seemed to be both particle and wave, depending upon what you believed you would find when you went to look. The Universe gave these people exactly what they expected to find. That’s the Law of Attraction.
How does that help you become successful? The easy answer is that whatever you ask for and believe in, that is what will be delivered to you. How to ask for these things? Start with Affirmations and Visualization of what you want from life.
Follow the directions as described in Think and Grow Rich for achieving your goals. If anyone reading would like to have that secret, let me know and I will tell you next week. If you don’t mind, I’ll repeat the earlier quote, as I came up with just recently and thought it was kinda catchy.
“The Thoughts you have Today will create the Reality you will have Tomorrow.”
If this was helpful to you, please leave me your thoughts, comments and questions below. I’ll be sure to respond to them.
To Your Future,
Tom, the High Traffic Wizard
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