I was recently on a cruise to the glorious Caribbean. In addition to Think and Grow Rich, I took 3 new books with me. The first one I read is The Four Agreements By Don Miguel Ruiz. I’ve learned so much from this book that it was the only one I read on the cruise.
Essentially, Ruiz discovered that we all have a set of limiting beliefs that we start accumulating at birth. They soon form a prison that few of us ever realize we’re in. This prison is made more complex because the Mind is Dreaming 24/7, and our dreams have taught us how to behave, what to believe, what is right, wrong, beautiful, ugly, acceptable, not acceptable. In short, our dreams are what we’ve learned from parents, teachers, siblings, peers, church and spouses.
The result is that we are like everyone else. We think, act, speak and think like we were taught. We are Domesticated, judging ourselves by these false impressions of how we should Be. Don Miguel Ruiz, through years of research, has found a way to break free from these paradigms and become Our True Selves. These are The Four Agreements.
The First Agreement: Be True To Your Word.
Say what you mean and mean what you say. Speak with Integrity. Do Not use your voice to Judge yourself or others. Our words have Power, and they can be used for good or ill. Every mind is a garden, and words are the seeds for new thoughts, ideas and deeds. Always use good words, and you will produce a good harvest. -
The Second Agreement: Do Not Take Anything Personally.
Nothing that anyone does is because of you. Whatever I say is just an opinion, whether it’s a good one or a bad one. Telling someone they are stupid doesn’t make them stupid. Many people make the mistake of taking other people’s words internally, poisoning your system. Learn to laugh it off, or ignore it. What someone else thinks of you is their problem, not yours. Even your own thoughts about you are not necessarily true. They are drawing from a lifetime of garbage built up inside. You can change this, and begin to take responsibility for your own thoughts and actions. -
The Third Agreement: Don’t Make Assumptions.
All of the sadness and dramas you have been living with all your life are rooted in the assumptions we make, and we take them personally. If someone doesn’t react a the way we’d like, don’t assume they don’t like you. Stand up and ask questions to them. Communicate as clearly as you can with others to avoid misunderstandings and sadness. When you meet someone, don’t assume you can change them into someone you’ll like. Take them for who they are, and you will not have disappointments and lost friends down the road. -
The Fourth Agreement: Always Do Your Best.
No matter your circumstances, always do your best. When I’m sick, as I’ve been the past 2 weeks, I did as much as I could to the best of my limited abilities. If you’re on line at the market, read something. If you mess up, it’s okay. Start again. If you strive to do your best, it will get easier to do so. Soon, it will be a habit, and you’ll do your best without thinking. The key to doing your best is to Take Action. Taking action involves moving forward, even if it’s falling forward. Each mistake is a lesson, not something to be ashamed of.
Together, the Four Agreements will create a new, better You. You will begin to experience Freedom of Thought, True Happiness and Unconditional Love. Life will be without fear of being judged by others or what they think of you. You will be free to live the Life you want, without the need to be right or the need for someone else to be wrong. Imagine being able to live your life without being afraid to take risks or enjoying the moment.
That is the promise of The Four Agreements.
More MST3K Kickstarter News!
More MST3K News! A new video introduces the new Tom Servo and new Crow T. Robot and the new Mad Scientist in charge of the Satellite of Love experiments. Watch the video here—-
https://vimeo.com/146663951Keep spreading the URL
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mst3k/bringbackmst3k?ref=heroand this tag:
#BringBackMST3KOn Tuesday, Joel will announce more rewards for getting to the next goal- the Half Way Mark!
Just post one of these messages to Twitter & Facebook right now… and not just the top one, people!
MORE NEWS! @JoelGHodgson reveals @FeliciaDay @barvonblaq & @HamptonYount are on board to help #BringBackMST3K! http://bit.ly/mst3k-update8If #BringBackMST3K hits $2.75M by Thurs @ 12pm ET, all backers $35+ get SIX FREE classic episodes. Pledge now! http://bit.ly/mst3k-update8
Our Kickstarter to #BringBackMST3K is 45% of the way to the final goal of 12 NEW FULL EPISODES of @mst3k. Join now! http://bit.ly/mst3k-update8
If this was helpful to you, please leave me your thoughts, comments and questions below. I’ll be sure to respond to them.
To Your Future,
Tom, the High Traffic Wizard
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