These videos are actually the book “The Master Key System” by Charles Haanel. Written in 1917, is arguably the best book on manifesting our dreams that has ever been written. The book is written and divided into 24 short chapters. Each chapter is filled with valuable knowledge about manifesting.
I have found that listening and watching the videos for this book greatly enhance my understanding of the concepts. It is important that you finish reading the book, and or watch the videos and listening to the audio version of this book straight through in as little time as you can. Do not read one chapter today and the next chapter 3 days from now, for you will have lost the power of the previous chapter.
The Unfailing Success System – Learn this! (Law Of Attraction)
The book is intended to be absorbed in one big chunk. I would recommend reading it several times over the course of a few months. Have a pad and pen handy because you will be taking a lot of notes. I personally listen to this entire book while driving to Florida on vacation every year.
Some people cannot listen to audio books for very long time because it makes you drowsy and lose concentration. As for myself, they increase my concentration and it makes the time pass very quickly. By the time we get down to Florida, I have ideas for a dozen blog posts.
Back to Charles Haanel. In order to become powerful in anything, you must become conscious of the power. In order to gain that consciousness, we need to learn where this power we are seeking comes from. All this this is dictated by The Mind, as this is where all power comes from. Every invention, book, law, or innovation has its genesis in the Mind of Man.
The Unfailing Success System – Learn this! (Law Of Attraction) PT 2
Therefore, the world around us is a direct reflection of our conscious selves. Nothing comes to be unless it’s a thought first. Sometimes these thoughts come to us in dreams, and sometimes they come to us through direct inspiration upon seeing or hearing something. Every thought creates a cause, directly affecting our lives.
There is one Great Consciousness that governs The Universe. As we think, it responds. The key is to get our subconscious mind on the same page as our conscious mind. The Master Key System is a wonderfully simple guidebook training our subconscious mind. Used correctly, it can create wonderful things in our lives.
Knowledge is only powerful if used. You can have a library of hundreds of books about computers, and yet still know nothing about computers unless you crack open the books and read them. The same goes for any videos you watch, any audios you listen to and any lessons you get in person from somebody.
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Thank you for reading.
To Your Future,
Tom, the High Traffic Wizard
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