What drives you and your dreams?
Do you allow your circumstances to dictate how you live, or do you create your own circumstances to live by?
Have you surrendered to Life, and live just long enough to die?
Or do you do what you were born to do and love doing it?
What you are Living is the evidence of what you are Thinking and Feeling- every time.Esther Hicks and Abraham
If you can imagine it, you can do it. It’s all about your feelings and attitudes toward your imagination. If you treat your imagination like a child’s fantasy tool, you will go no where. But if you take your imagination and use it as an engine for Creation, you will go as far as your mind can imagine.
“The Law of Attraction is responding to your thought, not to your current reality. When you change the thought, your reality must follow suit. If things are going well for you, then focusing upon what is happening now will cause the well-being to continue, but if there are things happening now that are not pleasing, you must find a way of taking your attention away from those unwanted things.”
– Abraham Hicks -
It’s not about earning, It’s about receiving
It’s not about effort, it’s about vibration
It’s not about doing, it’s about thinking
It’s not even being aware of the thoughts you think,
It’s about being aware of your feelings when you think the thoughtsAuthor Unknown“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” Einstein
We all come from Nowhere, that formless eternity of All, and we all wind up Now Here, in the wondrous sea of All. We all begin at the same place, but how many of us really get to where we want to be? We are all One, and Our actions have an affect upon everyone and everything else.
I have begun to learn of my place in the Universe, and how nothing happens by chance.
Make up Your Mind today to become Unstoppable.Les Brown
Don’t let outside influences get in your way or distract you. Persistence brushes aside the confusing and negative obstacles that are always out there.
Aim higher than you think it’s possible for you to even see. Most people don’t succeed because they set low goals and hit them. Low goals don’t make you stretch. They don’t let you know what’s possible. Huge, scary goals give you the perspective you cannot get anywhere else. Hitting one of these high goals gives you the courage and the attitude that anything can be done. You don’t know what your limits are.
You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.Dr. Wayne Dyer
We all come from Nowhere, that formless eternity of All, and we all wind up Now Here, in the wondrous sea of All. We all begin at the same place, but how many of us really get to where we want to be? We are all One, and Our actions have an affect upon everyone and everything else.
I have begun to learn of my place in the Universe, and how nothing happens by chance.
If this was helpful to you, please leave me your thoughts, comments and questions below. I’ll be sure to respond to them.
To Your Future,
Tom, the High Traffic Wizard
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