I know there are some of you out there banging your head against the wall, trying to come up with ideas for blog posts. You struggle and sweat and worry about each of your blog posts. What do I write about?
Fortunately, there are ways to get around this problem. They come from different areas, so hold onto your seats as you take a spin through the many ways of generating blog posts.
While Traveling, Always carry a notepad with you. You never know when you’ll be inspired by something you see along the road.
On our most recent vacation to Florida, we stopped to get gas in Georgia. While the girls were inside getting something to drink, I walked over to a nearby fruit and vegetable stand. What is very interesting is that for many of the fruits they were selling they also had jars of honey that came from the very same trees or bushes as the fruit comes from. That gave me an idea for a post about using the same idea for different purposes.
Use the time while you are relaxing to Think. Sit back, relax, close your eyes and just let your mind go where wants to go. You can ask a question to yourself before you close your eyes about a particular topic you have in mind. That will help focus your mind to generate ideas on that topic.
We take a cruise every single year, and I always use the time to sit back and enjoy the sea air and the gentle rocking of the boat with my pen in hand. Each cruise generates close to two dozen blog posts in a weeks time.
I like to collect books that have lots of different authors writing about a particular subject. I also like books which single author generates dozens and dozens of ideas on a single subject, such as success.
Among my favorite books that same idea would be these:
1. The Secret. This is a classic for generating ideas. In its 10 chapters each topic is very thoroughly explored. The Secret cover such topics as the secret to Money, the secret to Relationships, the secret to You and the secret of Life. A very powerful book that I always find something new in each time I read it.
2. The Master Key System by Charles Haanel. This book is indispensable when it comes to changing the way you think, directing your thoughts into productive channels and creating a money consciousness. A must read if you have not read it yet. It will change your way of thinking forever.
3. 100 Simple Secrets of Successful People by David Niven. Here Dr. Niven give you 100 topics to write about. It is very simply written, but it is very powerful in its topics. It is also very eye-opening, as it covers many things that the unsuccessful just don’t think about. There are ideas about everything from getting a good night’s sleep to facing your conflicts head-on to being clear about what your ultimate outcome must be.
4. The Success Principles by Jack Canfield. This is a good size book filled with phenomenal ideas. I would suggest getting this book and reading it at least twice straight through. There are 63 principles, and they are all pretty amazing. Jack writes about everything from making money to building a team to transforming yourself for success. A very valuable book.
5. A Whack on the Side of the Head by Roger von Oech. This is not a book about success, getting ahead, or even about getting into your mind. It’s basically a book about overcoming mental blocks, hunting for ideas and how to use impracticality to create practical solutions. It’ll also make you think differently about everything around you. -
Movies, Your Passions and People Watching
Movies. Sometimes a good movie will give you good ideas for great blog posts. I recently wrote about how Bruce Willis uses Persistence and Thinking on your Feet to survive and triumph in Die Hard. In Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones improvises his way through problems at each and every step on his quest to secure the Ark of the Covenant. He even states near the end that he just makes it up as he goes.
Your Passions. This is my favorite part. What do you Love? What you really, really Love? Get a pad and paper and write down as many things that you’re passionate about as possible. Don’t worry if you fill more than one page, just keep going. When you’re done, cross off anything negative. This is not the time to dwell on negativity.
If you’re like most people, you should have a good 20 to 30 things that you’re passionate about. Any or all of these things can be opened up and written about. If you like me for instance, you could write hundreds and hundreds of posts about the movies that you love.
People Watching. This should be an ongoing thing as part of your day, not just for blog posts. Studying people, their mannerisms and speech patterns is a good way to learn how people think and act. A good part of it is to look for good people to use as examples for some of your blog topics. By just observing them, you can learn so much about the human condition. Don’t judge, just watch. Take notes.
Okay, so you have some good ideas on how to create good blog posts. If some ideas strike you, and you’re on a roll, keep on writing. The more ideas you can come with up with, the better off you will be in the long run. Make it a daily practice to try to come up with at least three blog post topics. Not all of them will be good, and not all of them will be usable. But the practice will make for an improved blogger in you.
Click Here to Learn More About Movies, Your Passions and People Watching
If this was helpful to you, please leave me your thoughts, comments and questions below. I’ll be sure to respond to them.
To Your Future,
Tom, the High Traffic Wizard
A great passion of mine is to share what I’ve learned over the years and pass it on to others. I found a way to share my passions in a blog. This blog is the best way I know of to do just that.
Whether you want to sell your work or just share it with the world, a blog will let you reach the largest possible audience.
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