Self Determination is a powerfully focused determination. It is unique to the individual wielding it. It is the knowledge that you will fight the fight to win at all costs.
Drive is to strive vigorously toward a goal or objective; to work, play, or try wholeheartedly and with determination.
We need to become driven to a higher cause if we are to see our goals come to fruition. Drive goes hand in hand with determination, creating a mind set that is blind to failure as something wrong. Drive turns failures into mere speed bumps, things to be jumped over and avoided.
Now we come to a major aspect of Success. Desire is that faculty that creates the images in your mind, forms the affirmations and starts us off on our journey to our Goals. It is not to be confused with mere Want. Want is chaotic and unfocused. Desire involves the heart, and that controls the mind.
Ours Dreams are the goals and aspirations we are seeking in life. Too many people never do anything to realize their dreams, and that’s a shame. We all have the power inside of us to make our dreams come true. Not all of us utilize this power when it is at our fingertips. We are all born with talents and gifts, but we must find them and use them or our dreams will just be illusions.
And of course, we all know what Doing is. Doing means to take action on something. The dictionary says: To deal with, fix, clean, arrange, move, etc., (anything) as the case may require, such as to do the dishes.
Then Doing is what everything comes down to. You have to do something to accomplish something. Do you Affirmations ans you’ll feed your Mind. Do your daily blog post and create a permanent piece of Internet Real Estate. Do your Marketing and increase your income and your Team.
Crowd Funding Alert!!!!!
Joel Hodgson needs your help to get Mystery Science Theater back on Television. We as fans are not going to be satisfied until this Kickstarter has surpassed $5.5 million.
At the moment, the project is at $3,498,647. quite a sum, but only enoiugh to make 6 episodes. We want a full season of 12. join us and make this dream a reality.
I Thank You For Your Help……………………………….!
If this was helpful to you, please leave me your thoughts, comments and questions below. I’ll be sure to respond to them.
To Your Future,
Tom, the High Traffic Wizard #BringBackMST3K
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