The primary purpose of life is to enjoy it. You must remember this, I kiss is just a kiss. Whoops, off-topic.
Did that make you smile? I hope so. Life is too short not to enjoy it as much as possible. Our ego is too often in the way of just letting go.
Letting go is hard for people. Sometimes they have backs that are too stiff and unyielding. They let business prevent them from enjoying life and the people in it.
To quote Jacob Marley from A Christmas Carol, “Mankind is Our Business.”
Chasing Your Dreams Or Scaring Them Off?
If we take the time to incorporate humanity in all of our endeavors, we will all be better served. Besides, what else, what would our time be better used for?
Sometimes, it’s important to stop giving all of your attention to our goals, 24/7. We can be so focused that we can and to lose sight of a better way sometimes.
For instance, when our family drives from our home in New Jersey to Florida, the straight and shortest possible path is to take highway I 95. Did you know that there are a dozen or more roads that run parallel to I-95? Taking one or more of these will add less than half an hour you drive a day, and the scenery is magnificent.
Why do I tell you all this? Life is an incredible journey, and there is much to see if you take the time to look. Don’t miss the forest for the trees.
Click Here to Learn More About Chasing Your Dreams Or Scaring Them Off?
Don’t Focus Too Much Or You’ll Miss Something
So, where were we? Oh, yes. Focusing too much on anything may get you results, but that they may not be exactly what you want or are seeking. -
Take a mental step back once in a while. Go on a vacation to a new place. New places force your mind to focus on the newness of everything around you. They will awaken the dry, dusty paths inside your mind that you need to have clear in order to work in your goals.While on vacation, pause in your activities and take a 360° look around. You’d be surprised at what you see.
For instance, while in a Seattle gift shop about 10 years ago, I stopped looking at all the junk in front of me and I scanned the walls. In a corner behind some baseball caps, at the end of the store opposite the entrance, I found a life size statue of Bigfoot. I would have missed it if I hadn’t taken some time from my busy-ness to look around.
Seeing that statue really made my vacation worthwhile. I found out later that very few people ever see that statue. I consider myself as fortunate for having found it.Take my advice, and seek out the Bigfoot statues that are hiding in plain sight, whether on vacation or not.
Click Here to Learn More About Don’t Focus Too Much Or You’ll Miss Something
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To Your Future,
Tom, the High Traffic Wizard
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