If you are blogging every single day, you know that there were times when coming up something to write can be difficult. You should be blogging every day, by the way.
Writing every day gets the creative juices flow. Like water from a faucet, writing cannot come in great quantities until you turn it on. And like anything, this practice it will get easier.
I have written eight novels and a dozen short stories. I can tell you from experience that a project is difficult to start, but gets much easier once the ideas are flowing. It’s a scientific principle that says the mind needs to be stimulated if you want to get anything out of it.
For me, blogging hasn’t been all that difficult because I am a writer. The challenge for me is to come up with ideas for posts for my niche. I don’t want to sound like everybody else. I don’t want to repeat myself, at least too often. And I want to create a genuine, unique voice for what I have to say.
I can be inspired by almost anything, and give you three or 400 words on the subject. I read inspirational and motivational books all day. I carry a marble notebook with me at all times. One never knows when The Muse will strike.
Og Mandino’s University of Success
One book that I get constant inspiration from is Og Mandino’s University of Success. The book is broken into 10 semesters, with five lessons in each one.
Any of these lessons is good for three or four posts. For instance, just open the book at random, and you’ll find such topics as:
How to Make Your Own Luck.
How To Turn Your Desires Into Gold.
How To Accept The Challenge Of Success.
How To Win Your War Against Negative Feelings.
How To Become Enthusiastic And Stay That Way.The book is actually excerpts from books from such people as Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, Dr. Maxwell Maltz and even Dr. Joyce Brothers. I highly recommend this book. Read just one lesson each day and in 50 days, your mind will be chock-full of ideas.
Click Here to Learn More About Og Mandino’s University of Success
The Daily Book of Positive Quotations by Linda Picone
Another book I would highly recommend is The Daily Book of Positive Quotations by Linda Picone. There are other excellent books of quotations out there, and I’ve read several of them. But this one is special to me because Linda writes from the heart and you can tell. Some quotations books just have the quotations on the page and nothing else. But Linda gives you the quotes and she gives you her feelings about the quotes. This is doubly inspiring.
I read two days worth of quotes just before I go to bed every single day. This accomplishes two things. One, it allows me to go to sleep with positive thoughts running through my mind. Secondly, those thoughts nine times out of 10 will have given me an idea for a new blog post as I wake-up.
To try finding books that have multitudes of ideas in them. I find that this is the best way to come up with different ideas for your own work.
Click Here to Learn More About The Daily Book of Positive Quotations by Linda Picone
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To Your Future,
Tom, the High Traffic Wizard
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