When I started my blog, I was going in a dozen different directions while putting it together. I’m grateful for the Kalatu blogging platform for taking a lot of the headaches out of creating my basic blog. I wouldn’t have the awesome blog I have without Kalatu. Take a look at my blog and you’ll see for yourself how wonderful it is. Just go to www.hightrafficwizard.info.
So, how do you build your blog if you’re just starting? There’s a wonderful book called Content Rules by Ann Handley and C. C. Chapman. I will be writing a review of this book as soon as I finish reading it. But there was a chapter about halfway through that I had to write about now.
The chapter was about Basic Blogging Guidelines. While the book itself is a very easy and comprehensive read, this section was especially easy to process. When you read the book, this will probably be your favorite section. I’m not sure what got the book from, as I go to so many garage sales and book sales. I’m just grateful that I was able to find the book when I did.
There are 12 basic guidelines for creating a great blog. Here are the first six. The next six will be in tomorrow’s post.
1. Define Your Purpose. What is your target audience? What do they want to know? What problems do they want solved? Is there any competition for your niche? What goals you want to achieve?
2. Have a Reliable Blogging Schedule. How often do you want to blog? I personally have a goal to blog every single day. In fact, Kalatu has a regularly scheduled 21 day blogging challenge built into the platform. If you’re looking for great challenge, the 21 Day Challenge is for you. Take a look at it here: www.makemoney48.info
- 3. Mix Up Your Content. Even if you have a particular subject you wish to write about, things might get a little dull for you and your audience if that’s what you write about all the time. And don’t do long posts all the time. Throw in some short pieces, and some medium pieces. Have you seen a great movie recently? Write about it. Was your vacation particularly memorable? Create a piece about it. Spice things up once in a while with a favorite recipe.
4. Don’t Rely Solely on the Written Word. There are plenty of images out there pertaining to your subject, no matter what it is. YouTube has literally millions of videos on any subject you could probably name. Sprinkle these into your posts.
5. Size Does Matter. They’ll make your posts longer than they need to be. And don’t and them just as they’re getting warmed up. Do just enough to cover the subject, but not enough to exhaust it. In fact, leaving a little bit unsaid, the create curiosity for your readers. They will want to come back for more.
6. Right Killer Headlines. Your headline is at least as important as your content. You could write a phenomenal post about how to make $1000 a day. But if you headline reads “The Best Way to Make Some Money,” then very few people will learn your thousand dollar a day secret. You can do this by piquing their curiosity, creating weird analogies, being very specific, being controversial or even using superlatives. More on this later.
- Thank you for reading the first part of my lesson about creating a great blog. There would part two coming up tomorrow. Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel.
Do you have a blog? Does it challenge you every day to be more creative? Does it help you be more creative every day? Is it easy to set up? Is it easy to use?
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