Today I will be writing about the Seven Steps to Living a High-Performance Life. The steps are found in the last chapter of Brian Tracy’s book. I have found them to be perhaps the best advice found in the entire book.
1. Think about the Future All of the Time. All happy and positive people are future oriented. They live their lives in the present, and are always thinking about the future. The past is behind them, and unimportant. By using the Law of Attraction, they draw the future toward them.
2. Always be thinking of your Goals. Successful people are goal oriented. They use visualization tools, dreams and outright fantasies to imagine what their lives will be like in the future. They have mapped out that future by using goals. They focus all their attention on these goals, and take action on accomplishing these goals.
3. Strive for Excellence. True, and sustained success comes from maintaining excellence in all efforts. Commit to being in the top 10% of your profession. Identify key areas in which to get better all the time. Work on yourself every single day, and strive to improve something every single day.
4. Be Solution Oriented. Concentrate on finding solutions to your challenges, not on finding the problems. Don’t assign blame, but find out what to do to solve the problem. Use your mind and the people around you to come up with creative ideas to solve any roadblocks that come up. All goals are challenges, not problems. Every challenge has a solution, if you bear down and work for it.
5. Concentrate on Achieving Results. The very successful out there are success oriented, carefully planning each day in advance the night before. Set priorities, and work on those tasks that represent the most valuable use of your time. This will produce the best results, and you will move ahead faster.
6. Always be Growing. Never let your mind standstill. Read good books in your field. Listen to audio books in your field. Attend as many seminars and webinars as possible. Create compound learning, in which your new knowledge integrates itself with what you’ve already learned. Doing this, you’ll soon find that you are among the best and most knowledgeable people in your field. Competition will be fierce, and everything you read, listen to and attend will keep you in the race.
7. Take Action Now. Successful people are always moving toward their goals. They take action, even before the course is set. The momentum you create from taking action will generate more success than taking action from a standstill. Move with a sense of urgency. The more you get done today will create much larger benefits for you in the future.
These seven steps are good guide for creating success. Always be optimistic when facing the future. Look for the good in every situation. If you stumble and fall, make sure you learn something from that failure. If you don’t, you’ll most likely repeat that failure. Knowing what not to do will help you to avoid repeating yourself. Continually ask yourself what you can learn from every situation.
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