The universe is made up of energy. Every particle of the universe is energy. 90% of the universe remains unseen, and it is this material that keeps Everything in order. This unseen material is now called Dark Matter.
Dark Matter. Sounds like it’s from a science fiction movie, but its existence has been theorized since 1933 by Dr. Fritz Zwicky. Dr. Zwicky was puzzled by the behavior of the universe. All of the planets, stars and objects in the entire universe has fixed orbits and remain in orbit against all laws of Physics. Zwicky postulated that there is a substance that caused all of the objects to be attracted to one another. He called it. Dark Matter, and it is this substance that creates universal attraction.
But where does this attraction come from? The answer has eluded scientists for hundreds of years. Proponents of the Law of Attraction have had the answer to this question all along. Everything stays in place the same way that two people come together for life. In short, the answer is Love. Love may not be the best term to use, but it defines the process perfectly.
“Love is the motivating power of the universe…” Alice Bailey
The Law of Attraction uses love to tap into the Infinite Intelligence, which is where everything is found. Our thoughts are not ephemeral, invisible things that disappear when they lose concentration. They have as much substance as the wind or a battleship. All of them are forms of energy, and all of them can be manipulated to our bidding.
To tap into infinite intelligence, you simply have to know how to do so. Among the ways to do so are Daily Affirmations, reading and listening to Inspirational Material and following the formula set forth in Think and Grow RichIt’s. All you need to know about infinite intelligence can be found in Napoleon Hill’s book.
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